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Saying Goodbye

It can be one of our greatest challenges in life, to let go of something or someone, that have held such great importance for so long. We may weave our attachment so tightly around them that we fear we may unravel entirely without them. But we are all awaiting our call to test the warrior within. It is important than to remember that everything has a beginning and an end, it is the natural order. But even so, what is deemed a loss does not mean they then cease to exist, because the two of you are no longer ajoined. Parting ways can be just the reminder we needed, to trigger us to reflect on the connection we felt in the first place and lead us back in touch with our emotions, ready to connect again with another.

There is a notable personal growth we gain with every life experience; living through disappointment prepares us for realistically managing our expectations. We gain a healthier understanding of ourselves and can become more efficient in managing our responses in the physical challenges we face in addition to the emotional. The substance of our attachments may be called into question, suggesting we use our conscious mind, gaining insight that can positively direct future decisions. We can reap an abundance of benefits from emotional intelligence. We can empathise. We mature. We take responsibility for our role within our relationships and better understand the role of others, defining clarity between who we are and what we do. Acceptance is a powerful tool, carrying with it the ability to find forgiveness and with that, a peace that runs soul deep.

If you have felt deeply enough that you have formed a lasting memory, then that bond will never leave you. Be thankful for the moments they brought you, adopt the courage required to release your grasp and graciously wave them on to seek these moments for themselves - so they too may have the opportunity to be as touched as you have by them.

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